Blogs–Dana Morrison

May 13, 2009

Broadway, Books, Etc.

Sister and Brother-in-laws Blog

Nascar Blog Post about Talledaga

Anderson Cooper 360 Blog

Top Stories for April 3rd

April 3, 2009

The story about the cops patrolling middles schools is a big impact story for those students.  The opening of the story was strong, I thought.  It didn’t tell you what the article was about, but it peaked interest and made you read more.  The story focused on one man, which is good to put a name to the story, but it made is sound like he was the only one doing this, when there are 15 other officers doing this.  It also takes a few paragraphs to state exactly what the article is about.  The policemen are at the school because they want to reduce or stop juvenile crime.  The article was informative, but it could have been written a different way.  I thought there was too much focus on one officer and not on the overall story.


Dana Morrison 

Top News Stories for March 2-6

March 6, 2009






The story of Alice Rainville is a few stories all in one, but it works.  It talks about a historic period in time when Rainville was the first female City Council President, and it also talks about her death.  It is brutally honest, but her death would not have been significant if she was not the City Council President.  This article is a human interest story that focuses on Rainville and her accomplishments as the City Council President.  The lead tells you right away her significance and why you should know who she is.  The main point of the story isn’t until further down, which may have been to far to put it, since it mentions her death in the headline.

Top News Stories for the Week of Feb. 27

February 27, 2009








The most news worthy story just hit the New York Times this morning.  President Obama plans to stop combat in Iraq in August, 2010.  After nearing a decade of fight, there is an end in sight.  It definitely has a grabbing headline, but I thought the lead was too long.  It talked about so many different things at once, how Obama wanted to pull most of the troops out by 2010, that he spoke in front of Marines and their families, and that Sen. McCain supported Obama’s decision.  The inverted pyramid didn’t really flow well either.  I read most of the article and felt like some important lines were further down such as Obama’s quote “…by August 31st, 2010, our combat mission in Iraq will end.”

Top Stories for Feb. 16-20

February 20, 2009







The story of the chimpanzee who attacked the owner’s friend is a tragedy, but certainly news-worthy.  You hear about animals attacking their owners, but not usually a trained chimpanzee.  That element really helps it get noticed, so the headline writes itself.  The lead in the story is graphic, but grabbing and makes you want to read more.  The sentence after the lead also informs the reader on the rest of the events.  The lead addresses who, what, and where, which I think is enough to inform the reader.

Top five News stories for the Week of Feb. 6, 2009

February 6, 2009


According to the Star Tribune- Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minneapolis cops killed a car thief while he charged towards them.  This story has many elements going for it such as a grabbing headline that invites a reader to continue the story, and it also informs the reader of and important story.  The story is short, direct, and to the point, getting the point across.  There are several qualities of a news story that this follows such as timeliness, proximity, and conflict.

Hello world!

February 6, 2009

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